Home > Admissions > Graduate(M.A︱M.Div.︱D.Min.)
Class Year Limit | Qualifications | Remarks |
1 year, 4 semesters | – 22 years of age or older – High school graduate or equivalent – Church member for at least 4 years | – 356 days rolling enrollment – Transferable (counseling required) – Early graduation available (consultation required) – Graduation system for all students (consultation required) – Eligible for ordination as a minister or missionary after graduation |
※ The course period is 4 months (120 days) from the start of the semester.
Semester | Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1st semester | OT 501 | Old Testament Theology | 3 |
NT 501 | New Testament Theology | 3 | |
ST 501 | Systematic Theology (Theonomy) | 3 | |
PT 501 | Biblical Background | 3 | |
CL 501 | Chapel and Spiritual Formation | P/F | |
2nd semester | OT 502 | Old Testament History | 3 |
NT 502 | New Testament History | 3 | |
ST 502/201 | Systematic Theology (Christology & Soteriology) | 3 | |
BS 502/301 | Biblical Hermeneutics | 3 | |
CL 502 | Chapel and Spiritual Formation | P/F | |
3rd semester | OT 601 | Intermediate Old and New Testament History | 3 |
HT 601/301 | History of the Pentecostal Holiness Movement | 3 | |
ST 601/401 | Systematic Theology (Eschatology) | 3 | |
PT 601 | Missionary Strategy | 3 | |
CL 601 | Chapel and Spiritual Formation | P/F | |
4th semester | OT 602 | Jeremiah‧Lamentations | 3 |
NT 602 | Hebrews | 3 | |
ST 602/301 | Systematic Theology (Ecclesiology) | 3 | |
PT 602/405 | Quiet Period Theology(534) | 3 | |
CL 602 | Chapel & Spiritual Formation | P/F |
Class Year Limit | Qualifications | Remarks |
1.5 years 6 semesters | – 22 years of age or older – Graduated from a 4-year general university or equivalent – Church member for at least 3 years | – 356 days rolling recruitment – Transferable (consultation required) – Early graduation possible (consultation required) – Graduation program for all students (consultation required) – Qualification for denominational ministers and missionaries after graduation |
※ The course period is 4 months (120 days) from the start of the semester.
Semester | Subject Code | Subject Name | Credits |
1st semester | OT 501 | Introduction to the Old Testament | 3 |
NT 501 | Introduction to the New Testament | 3 | |
ST 501 | Introduction to Systematic Theology1 | 3 | |
PT 501 | Introduction to Practical Theology | 3 | |
HT 501 | World Church History1 | 3 | |
BS 501 | Basic Greek | 3 | |
CL 501 | Chapel and Spiritual Formation | P/F | |
2nd semester | OT 502 | The Five Books of Moses | 3 |
NT 502 | The Gospels | 3 | |
ST 502 | Introduction to Systematic Theology2 | 3 | |
PT 502 | Introduction to Missiology | 3 | |
HT 502 | World Church History2 | 3 | |
BS 502 | Basic Hebrew | 3 | |
CL 502 | Chapel and Spiritual Formation | P/F | |
3rd semester | OT 503 | Historical Books | 3 |
NT 503 | Acts of the Apostles | 3 | |
ST 501/503 | Systematic Theology (Theology) | 3 | |
PT 503/201 | Worship Studies | 3 | |
HT 503/201 | Korean Church History | 3 | |
BS 503/201 | Israel Geography and Culture | 3 | |
CL 503 | Chapel and Spiritual Formation | P/F | |
4th semester | OT 601/202 | The Great Commission | 3 |
NT 601/202 | Pauline Epistles (Doctrinal Epistles) | 3 | |
ST 601/202 | Systematic Theology (Theology of the Holy Spirit) | 3 | |
PT 601/202 | Homiletics | 3 | |
HT 601 | Missionary History | 3 | |
BS 601 | Biblical Background | 3 | |
CL 601 | Chapel and Spiritual Formation | P/F | |
5th semester | OT 602/301 | The Minor Prophets1 | 3 |
NT 602/301 | Joint Letters | 3 | |
ST 602/502 | Systematic Theology (Christology & Soteriology) | 3 | |
PT 602/301 | Comparative Religious Studies | 3 | |
HT 602 | History of the Pentecostal Holiness Movement | 3 | |
BS 602/301 | Biblical Interpretation | 3 | |
CL 602 | Chapel and Spiritual Formation | P/F | |
6th semester | OT 603/302 | The Minor Prophets2 | 3 |
NT 603/302 | Pauline Epistles (OT) | 3 | |
ST 603/202 | Systematic Theology (Eschatology) | 3 | |
PT 603/302 | Christian Education | 3 | |
HT 603/302 | Church History | 3 | |
BS 603/302 | Parables of Jesus | 3 | |
CL 603 | Chapel and Spiritual Formation | P/F |
수업년한 | 지원자격 | 비 고 |
6 Terms | – Man & woman over 24yrs old. – M.A. or M.Div. graduate or comparable background. – Church Ministers or Missionaries. | – 356days rolling admission. – Tranfer available(counseling required). – Early graduation available. – After graduation, available to apply the examination to be ministers and missionaries of the denomination |
A semester is 4 months (120 days) from the start date.
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